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Lafitt Newport Grey

  • Newport Grey is the darkest of the grey ranges in Lafitt Stone. The stone shows a range of true grey colours with none of the beige tones seen in other grey ranges. Newport Grey can also be combined with other colours of Lafitt stone as we have shown in this example which has a small percentage of Rockland Black stone used as an accent colour.

  • All Lafitt Stones are available in a range of three different unit heights and a variety of lengths. The stone is packaged in layers on a pallet with each layer containing all of the variety of lengths that are available. We sell this stone in full layers only. The two smallest units (102mm and 178mm high) are packaged on the same pallet (both sizes on each layer) and the largest size is packed on its own pallet. In this way the end user is able to select the amount of large height stones they would like to see in the wall relative to the other sizes. A mixture of 25% to 30% large stones is a common ratio. Please see the product data sheet for actual dimensions of each size of stone.

  • Click here for product data sheet.

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